Fall and rebirth: how Platform X is enabling a return to exhaustive data collection?
04/04/2024 |
Disappearance of cookies, regulations: the collection of digital data has been under attack for several years, affecting decision-making processes and threatening the proper execution of AI-powered algorithms.
However, solutions do exist, enabling lost positions to be regained or even surpassed. Just as there are many causes of data loss, digital teams need to implement a range of remedies, each of which addresses a different part of the problem.
Our Enterprise Tag Manager product, which forms the backbone of Platform X, incorporates a number of key functions to help us achieve this objective.
Overview of causes and solutions
The percentages shown in this diagram correspond to the average amount of data not collected, or collected only partially or incompletely. There is some overlap between cases because the same individual may have several cases.
Data loss: a gradual erosion
This is not a recent phenomenon, but it has grown considerably in recent years. The main causes are Internet users’ expectations regarding respect for their privacy and the responses provided by regulators and web browser publishers.
A quick explanation of the various causes:
- Consent to share data: whether it’s accepting cookies or authorising the sharing of usage data for mobile applications. Average consent rates are around 80% for the web, and significantly lower for mobile. Without consent, no data can be collected.
- Ad Blockers: more than 20 years after they first appeared, they are still used on the web or mobile (32% according to the latest figures) and make it difficult to send many requests.
- Tracking Prevention: this term covers all the techniques used by web or mobile browsers to block the transmission of data or the identification of users (including third-party cookies).
- Erroneous data: this refers to any errors or inaccuracies that occur in the data collection process. Although often minor when taken individually, their repetition can significantly affect a data set.
At the end of this process, it can be estimated that 50% of the data that could have been collected was either not collected or was collected imperfectly.
How do you reconstitute your data capital?
There are two points to understand before going into detail:
1 – A specific response for each cause: reconstructing an equivalent amount and quality of data requires several successive functions. Rare are the platforms that are able to cover all of them in the way that Platform X from Commandes Act does.
2 – Some data is permanently lost: the restoration we are talking about is as much about minimising data loss as it is about correcting and enriching the data that has been collected.
Functionalities involved in data reconstitution, present and executed by Platform X :
- Quality control: detecting and correcting data collection errors to ensure optimum quality
- Cookie Keeper: technology designed to recall first-party cookies deleted by browsers
- 1st party collection: so-called hybrid capture, Client-Side collection with first-party cookies only, sent via Server-Side destinations
- Optimised consent: a set of best practices and tests to ensure that the consent rate is optimal and stable over time.
- Full Server-Side: context in which data capture is also carried out in Server-Side mode, requiring the intervention of IT teams (unlike hybrid data collection, which can be deployed in no-code mode).
- Data enrichment: adding data from offline or CRM sources to increase the quantity of data available and recontextualise fragmented data.
- Cross-device ID: unifying data around user profiles built up across platforms and channels
Each of these functionalities can be implemented progressively; but skilfully orchestrated together in a controlled environment, they will have the effect of making more data available to digital teams than was initially the case (hence our 120%). In fact, these technologies benefit from each other in a cumulative effect. Even when it comes to data, there’s strength in numbers.
Data capital: an essential asset
As data becomes increasingly complicated to collect, building up a capital of data from its own consumers and maintaining it at an optimum level of completeness becomes a critical issue for any organisation.
In addition to their use in the context of marketing campaigns, reporting and customer knowledge, with which our teams are already familiar, the AI revolution is underway, and it can only work if it is fed by a large amount of qualitative data.
Contact us to improve your data assets!